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Target configuration.

A target is any database or data store to which you want to replicate your data. You can create multiple streams that write data to the same target.

You must set up a target so that our connectors can sync data from your sources.

This section contains general information about target configuration options. Find specific configuration options for different target types in the relevant sections.

Here is an example of JSON config object describing a target.

"target": {
    "type": "target-type",
    "connection": "connection-string",
    "options": {
      "noCreateTables": true,
      "tables": [
          "name": "table-name",
          "noCreateIndexes": true
    "reportingInterval": 5
typestringTarget type. It can be either mysql or postgresql.
connectionstringConnection parameters.
optionsobjectthe "options" object is used to specify the options for the target database.
noCreateTablesbooleanIf set to true, tables will not be created on target. By default, if omitted or set to false, all source table structures are created on the target.
tablesarrayAn array of table-specific options.
namestringtable name
noCreateIndexesbooleanIf set to true, indexes for the specified table (table-name) will not be created on target. By default, if omitted or set to false, all indexes for the specified table (table-name) are created on the target.
reportingInterval(in seconds).It allows users to define the frequency at which progress reports are generated to keep users informed about the status of data transfer. If reportingInterval is set to zero or omitted, no statistics will be returned while the stream is running, providing flexibility for silent operation.

DBConvert Streams - event driven replication for databases